Directed by Gary Gisselman and Jon Ferguson, St. Olaf Theater Department, February 2015
Charge Artist/ Scenic Designer: Erin Knadler
Lighting Designer: Brian Bjorklund
Costume Design: Aimee Jillson
The large proscenium was made of ½” plywood. The cartooning was projected onto the surface, traced with sharpie, and then layered with glazes upon glazes of color. Final lining and spatter details were made with bright pastels.
The rocks were constructed to be used as platforms and to withstand athletic activity. Made out of ¾” plywood, the armatures were covered with woven and stapled cardboard and then glue-water and muslin. They were then treated with a scumble of light and dark grey and a three-color spatter. Later, faux moss and faux mushrooms were hot glued into crevices.
The trees were treated with a base scumble, then spatter, then a loose leaf-like brush pattern of glazes. I also experimented with texture from paint dried while under wrinkled plastic wrap, but ultimately concluded that the texture didn’t read on the rough plywood surface. The goal was to create a leafy, organic, textural feel rather than a direct representation of tree bark. Finally, to create a storybook atmosphere, bright pastels were used to suggest tree bark and knots.